Plan and Brief a New Website - Thursday 9th April 2020

Workshop will be delivered online
Thursday, April 9th 2020
9am - 1pm

Even if you are paying an excellent website maker to create a new website for you, there is a huge amount of work and planning involved. There are a lot of things you need to consider, and know about, before you sit down with your website developer.

This event is no longer available

Workshop Overview

Date:Thursday 9th April 2020
Time:9.00am - 1.00pm (Registration at 8.45am)
Venue:Workshop will be delivered online

This is an instructor led programme. For some specific activities, participants will be encouraged to work within groups.

Programme Objective

  • To narrow the knowledge and communication gap between business owners and website developers/makers.
  • For business owners to be aware of the work involved, and to be better equipped in terms of knowledge and resources when meeting a website developer.

Workshop Synopsis

  • Overview & Introduction
  • Providing a clear understanding of who you are, and what you do, and how your brand should be portrayed
  • Outlining your business goals
  • Your target customer - who is the website for?
  • Your current website - why is it not working for you?
  • Google Analytics and Google Search Console
  • Hosting, Domain and SSL
  • What Website Builder or CMS is for you?
  • Your current skill level - do you need additional training?
  • SEO and why you need to know about it
  • Competitors websites - what elements do you want on your website?
  • Content - Images, Text, Video, Prices
  • Image sizes, formats and SEO
  • Functionality - what do you need versus what do you want?
  • Integration - what should be integrated (e.g. Social Media, Newsletter Sign-Ups)
  • Budget
  • Timelines
  • Mistakes to Avoid
  • Available Funding/Grants

Places are limited so early booking is advised.