WIT work placement programme open for business

WIT work placement programme open for business

The School of Business at Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) has opened up its application process for local businesses interested in giving students valuable experience via work placement.

As students available for work placement have a general business background they can undertake a variety of business roles.
Joe Daly, the director of placement at the School of Business explains that the placement process has already begun and the students are available for a period of up to six months.

“WIT business students are now embarking on their placement with companies all over the region and beyond. Every year employers, large and small, benefit from the opportunity to gain access to high calibre, eager, and ambitious undergraduates with different specialisations: accounting, marketing, human resources, economics and finance and management,” he says.

Daly says that employers know and appreciate the placement process in WIT and are very grateful for the positive contribution WIT students provide to their organisations.

“Work placement is also an opportunity to develop and sustain strong links between employers and Higher Education,” he adds.
The placement process has already begun and the students are available for a period of up to six months.

For more information contact the School of Business placement office in WIT on businessplacement@wit.ie or for an informal chat just call Joe Daly on 0872559238.

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