Acumen Programme
The Acumen programme aims to enhance the capacity and capability of SMEs to take the first steps on the export journey by helping to fund an experienced and skilled sales resource to help businesses to identify new opportunities and win new sales in the cross-border market.
There are two funding options available under the Acumen programme:
- Full-time Sales Support: Acumen will fund up to 50% of the cost of a full-time sales resource for a 12 month period. The maximum cost that can be covered is €37,500 with funding up to €18,750. A full-time sales resource must be an individual directly employed by the business.
- Part-time Sales Support: Acumen will fund up to 50% of the cost of a part-time sales resource for a 6-12 month period. The maximum cost that can be covered is €20,000 with funding up to €10,000. The part-time sales resource can be an individual directly employed by the business or alternatively a contractual representative such as an experienced sales agent, consultant or a lead generation company.
How will Acumen benefit your business?
- Average €280k in new business development and sales.
- Improved understanding of how to trade within a cross-border market.
- Increased knowledge of cross-border sales opportunities.
- Focused and efficient cross-border sales and marketing strategy.
- Enhanced capability and skills of the business’s management/sales team.
- Increased ability to recruit, manage and retain a sales resource.
How can Kildare LEO help?
If a business satisfies the basic eligibility criteria for the programme an 'Export Diagnostic Assessment' is undertaken by an InterTradeIreland representative. We can help to prepare your business for this diagnostic assessment. To discuss this further, please get in contact with our Export Advisor and we will help you to position your business for export support.