FREE Energy Audit
for your Business
Aimed at:
This free support is available to small businesses based in County Kildare. It applies to all business sectors.
Apply now:
To apply for your FREE energy audit, please complete the application form here >>
- Free audit of your energy, waste and water practices
- Identification of cost-saving improvements
- Impartial advice on your improvement ideas
- Measure your carbon footprint
- Record your year-on-year improvements
- Establish your green credentials for staff & customers
- Access route to grant funding & environmental certification
This programme will be tailored to your needs and will run as follows:
Step 1 – Information Gathering and Desk Study
The project will start with a short introductory phone or video call. This will allow the supports to be explained and any queries to be resolved. You will be asked to provide information on your annual energy and water usage and waste creation. Generally, this will be via copies of the relevant bills for the year.
- Creation of energy, carbon footprint, waste and water baseline figures
- Bespoke reporting and monitoring workbooks allowing you to take control of your performance in the coming years. See the guide ‘Ecomerit Reporting Formats Overview’ for more details.
Step 2 – Online Consultation
An online meeting will be held to report on the desk study results, give training on the easy-to-use workbooks, identify and resolve any missing or incorrect data, and explore your priorities and expectations for the future, especially in terms of your environmental performance and cost reduction goals.
- Creation of draft improvement plan (prioritising easy, fast-results actions)
- Selection of Key Performance Indicators for energy, carbon, waste and water
Step 3 - On-Site review (as Covid permits)
A site visit will be carried out, nominally of a half day duration, to explore your working practices; visually assess the building fabric and condition; and identify further improvement opportunities. You will receive a verbal report at the end of the visit, followed by:
- Updated draft improvement plan to take account of site review findings
Step 4 – Closing Consultation
Once you have had time to review the information and recommendations provided, the project will end with an online consultation. The main aim will be to help you prioritise your chosen improvement actions and give guidance on how best to implement them. The importance of the bespoke reporting and monitoring workbooks will be highlighted as the key means of measuring, and demonstrating, your progress over time.
You will also be given information about the access to EcoMerit Environmental Certification and SEAI ‘Communities’ grant support which your participation in this programme has made available to you.