
...Making It Happen

What is an Internationally Traded Service?

Internationally traded service businesses, over 50% of trade must come from overseas customers and details of overseas customers must be provided.

The Industrial Development (Services Industries) Order 2010 sets out the services that qualify for support from the enterprise development agencies. 

  • Data processing and electronic commerce
  • Technical and consulting services
  • Commercial laboratory services
  • Administrative/service centres, co-ordination and headquarters services
  • Research and development services
  • Media, multimedia and recording services
  • Entertainment and leisure services
  • Training services
  • Publishing services
  • International Financial services
  • Healthcare services
  • Construction related services
  • Environmental services
  • Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management services
  • Commercial international standards bodies
  • Technology test centres
  • Prototype laboratory services
  • Intellectual property services
  • Group Procurement
  • Shipping services
  • Education Services