
...Making It Happen

Financial Supports

Financial Supports

Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs) provide a range of financial supports designed to assist with the establishment and/or growth of enterprises (limited company, individuals/sole trader, cooperatives and partnerships) employing up to ten people.

These include:

Request Advice or Support with your Grant Application:

Do you need to speak to an advisor about your eligibility and suitability for grant funding? We have business advisors ready to assist you with any queries you may have about grant support.

Submit your request for support here.

Before Submitting your Application:

Participation in our Financial Projections briefing is recommended to ensure a robust funding application.

An essential element of any business loan, grant aid or third-party investment application is your company's financial projections. We are hosting an interactive information briefing to simplify this process for you and to ensure that you are in the best possible position to acquire business funding. The one-hour workshop will feature speakers from Kildare Local Enterprise Office and an expert financial consultant. 

These sessions take place monthly. You can book here.