Writing a Successful Tender

Keadeen Hotel, Newbridge, Co. Kildare
Wednesday 8th November 2017
Business Training

Providing participants with skills on preparing and writing successful tenders , understanding public procurement policies, preparing documents and managing debriefs Presented by: Talentpool Ltd

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  • If insufficient bookings are received on any course , the course will be cancelled and a full refund will issue.

  • Fees are NON REFUNDABLE except where a course is cancelled by Local Enterprise Office due to insufficient bookings.

Writing a Successful Tender


The full day programme will provide participants with the necessary skills and knowledge on preparing and writing successful tenders from identifying tender opportunities, understanding public procurement policies, preparing the tender documents and managing debriefs. The Programme provides the participants with information relating to:

  • The foundation vital to approaching tendering to both public and private sector in their given industry
  • The knowledge to successfully approach the tendering market in both the public and private sector in their given industry
  • The ability to gain the maximum benefit from using the e-tenders website

Participants will be introduced to the methods of

  • Examining the ‘real’ requirements of a tender document
  • Forming a successful tendering strategy
  • Applying best practice guidance, tips and pointer on how to write the bid document
  • Using the eTenders website to its maximum potential to source business opportunities and win business.

At the end of the programme participants will be equipped with the skill to assess and identify bid opportunities, client needs and know how to build a relationship with clients & a successful bid team and write incisive, focussed, competitive winning tenders.