Press Releases

Customs Workshop for Small Businesses - Friday, 15th November 2019

Will your business be importing and exporting goods through Customs, post-Brexit? If 'YES', then you should consider booking your place at next Friday's Customs Workshop ....

"You Are The Difference" - presented by Alf Dunbar

Alf Dunbar, one of the UK’s top performance coaches within the customer service and leadership industry is coming to Cork on 6th November to inspire retail and hospitality managers and staff to become 'best in class'.

Cork students thinking outside the box

Cork secondary students were invited to bring their new innovative business ideas to the boardroom this week when seven schools attended an entrepreneurial mentoring day at the new offices of Otterbox on South Mall.

National Women's Enterprise Day 2019

The Local Enterprise Offices Cork & Kerry are delighted to announce that National Women's Enterprise Day for 2019 is taking place on Thursday, October 17th in Castlemartyr Resort, Castlemartyr, Co. Cork.

Brexit - Practical Information Session for Small Businesses

Take the mystery out of Brexit with this practical Information Session for Small Businesses.