Local Enterprise Office

Welcome to LEO Donegal

The Local Enterprise Office [LEO] Donegal is the first point of contact for business. Whether you are starting out or looking to develop, the LEO Donegal will guide and direct you towards the appropriate supports and advice available.

Upcoming Events

See All Events
09/08/2024LEO Business Supports Clinic - Virtual - August 9th... Book online
14/08/2024Trading Online Voucher Workshop 14th August 2024 Book online
03/09/2024Start Your Own Business Programme (Virtual Delivery - Evening) September 2024... Book online
10/09/2024Food Starter Programme September 2024 Book online
11/09/2024Trading Online Voucher Workshop 11th September 2024... Book online
19/09/2024Digital Marketing & Website Advice Clinic Book online
23/09/2024Business Planning Workshop Book online

Latest News

Our Partners

  • Department Enterprise Trade & Employment
  • Enterprise Ireland
  • Údarás na Gaeltachta
  • IDA Ireland
  • etbi
  • Micro Finance Ireland
  • Bord Bia