
...Making It Happen

Food and Beverage Export Development Programme

Food and Beverage Export Development Programme

What is the programme?

This programme will provide you with access to experienced mentors and practical support. It will provide a forum where ambitious entrepreneurs can share their exporting experiences and challenges, get new perspectives, encourage collaboration and provide an opportunity to focus on growth opportunities.


What will I gain from the programme?

Throughout the 3 month programme, you will gain:

  • An understanding of how to explore new markets and the challenges involved in getting export ready for those markets
  • An objective assessment of your business' export readiness and a tailored development plan
  • Clearly defined growth and export objectives
  • Key export and marketing skills to build sustainable capacity to export
  • A fully developed and practical market entry action plan
  • Active engagement with potential buyers
  • Increased understanding of funding options for export


What will the programme involve?

Download the brochure here

The programme will deliver you the following:

  1. A detailed export readiness assessment to determine your business' current capabilities and what you need to improve and develop to successfully grow your business through exporting.
  2. 6 half-day workshops providing you with key sales and export skills, as well as management training on how to embed these skills within the wider business team.
  3. 1-to-1 mentoring delivered over a period of 9 hours split across 3 sessions per participant to help you to develop your export plan.
  4. 1 day of market research activity per business, delivered to you by Bullseye Food Marketing throughout the programme. This will help you to effectively evaluate markets, create prospective buyer lists, qualify customers and ensure your export plans are implemented in a timely manner.
  5. The ultimate output of this programme will be a detailed, well researched, and actionable "Market Entry Action Plan" that you can use to avail of further public and private funding supports for export growth.


What is the cost?

In order to ensure that you receive the best support for your business and to help you meet your growth ambitions, there is a heavily subsidised cost of €200 per company. The programme will be delivered over a 7-week timeframe starting in early-October and closing in November. You will have access to your LEO advisors and Bullseye Food Marketing throughout the duration of this programme.


Places are extremely limited and applicants will be scored on the strength of their application.


If you have any questions regarding your application please email


  1. Your business must be registered and situated in Kildare or Meath.
  2. Your business must be established and trading for greater than 18 months.
  3. Your business either manufactures or provides a tradeable service in the Food & Beverage sector with potential to trade internationally.
  4. Your business has the potential to export outside of Ireland - you may already be exporting or you are looking to explore new markets,
  5. It is a realistic prospect that your product or service can gain a foothold in markets such as Northern Ireland, UK, and beyond.

Apply Now