
...Making It Happen

Innovation Vouchers: FAQs and Contacts

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Download and read Frequently Asked Questions about the Innovation Vouchers initiative.

Key contact and more information

For further information about the Innovation Voucher initiative, please speak with us today by contacting your Kildare Local Enterprise Office Business Adviser.

If you would like to collaborate with an Irish University or Institute of Technology on a larger research project, you may consider availing of an Innovation Partnerships Initiative. If you have need of more funding to develop your product or service, you can also avail of the Agile Innovation Fund through the Local Enterprise Office. For further information on this, please refer to the following link or speak with your Business Adviser for more information: Agile Innovation Fund

Legal and State Aid Basis: The Innovation Voucher Initiative can be run under the powers set out in the Science and Technology Act, 1987. The State Aid basis for the Innovation Voucher Initiative is the ‘de minimis rule’.