
...Making It Happen

Business Restart 2022

Business Restart

- Advice Service

Avail of 1 hour or more one-to-one business advice with an experienced business adviser either by Mobile or a Video Call on challenges facing you with reopening your business, post the Covid Pandemic.

Avail of free 1-hour one-to-one sessions over phone or video conference advisory session on concerns or questions or issues you may have in reopening your business this summer.

We can help by appointing an adviser to advise you or assist you to look at your concerns you may have in the following areas:

  • Cashflow and Finance
  • Tax/VAT related Queries
  • HR and Staffing issues
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Online Strategy and promoting your reopening
  • Applying for Finance
  • Health and Safety - Reopening your shop or business premises in line with Covid 19 Government Guidelines 
  • Outdoor Seating & Accessories for Tourism & Hospitality Businesses (Hospitality Sector Only)

Or any other business-related issues that may arise due to the current circumstances.


Businesses Looking to reopen their Business

Apply Now

Click here to complete the application form >>  

