
...Making It Happen

Register Now for online information session on the Debt Warehousing Scheme

Register Now for online information session on the Debt Warehousing Scheme

The SFA (Small Firms Association) in association with Revenue and Local Enterprise Offices are holding an online information session on the Debt Warehousing Scheme on 17 January 2024.   The SFA will be joined by Principal Officers from Revenue's Collectors General's Division - Maureen Marray and Davena Lyons. 


The Debt Warehousing Scheme was introduced at start of the pandemic and allowed for the deferral of the payment of VAT, PAYE (Employer) and certain self-assessed income tax labilities, including TWSS and EWSS overpayments. The scheme allowed for the parking of the debt at 0% interest up to 31 December 2022 for the majority with a significantly reduced interest rate of 3% applying thereafter. Businesses availing of the scheme must either pay their warehoused liabilities in full by 1 May 2024 or agree a Phased Payment Arrangements (PPA) by that date.


Topics to be covered:


  1. Brief overview of the scheme
  2. Key messages for SMEs in managing their warehoused debt
  3. Repayment options available in the run up to 1 May 2024
  4. Q&A


This is the perfect opportunity for LEO Clients in the scheme to ask Revenue for the information they need in a safe space. Questions are anonymized and the Q&A won’t be recorded.


sfa event

