
...Making It Happen



Our Retail Series supports the bricks and mortar retail businesses of Kildare with a programme of training and mentoring annually.

Kildare County Council funds a grant support scheme to assist our local businesses in enhancing the exteriors of their premises playing a vital role in bringing a vibrant and attractive feel to the streetscapes of the towns and villages county-wide.

The Shopfront Improvement, Universal Accessibility & Age-Friendly and the Retail Window Merchandising grant schemes provide an excellent opportunity for businesses on our main thoroughfares to paint, install new doors and windows, enhance their signage and merchandising ultimately making the County’s streetscapes more attractive to passers-by. KCC provides 50% matched funding to its businesses to invest in their premises and sustain their presence; 75% can be awarded when businesses invest in enhancing access points under the principals and guidelines of Universal Accessibility and Age-Friendliness.

KCC’s Commercial Incentive Grant, Online Property Portal and one-to-one proactive engagement with premise owners and new entrants to Kildare assists greatly with connecting enterprise with opportune space in which to do business.