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Product/Service Category winners,St. Wolstan’s College, Celbridge‘Buttons on Branches’ | Highly Commended award, Product/Service , |
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Exhibition/Stand category award winner,Newbridge College , | Highly Commended award in theExhibition/Stand Category,Patrician College, Newbridge ‘In theHood’ |
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1st Runner Up, County,and winner in the Marketing CategoryArdscoil Rath Iomgháin, (Rathangan)‘Scrubble’ | Highly CommendedAward in the Marketing Category,Ardscoil na Tríonóide, Athy‘Phone Catchers’ |
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Sales Category, winners,Salesian College, Celbridge, ‘The End Line’ | Highly Commended Sales,Kildare Town Community School |
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Winner InnovationScoil Dara, Kilcock' | Highly Commended award, Innovation category,Cross and Passion, Kilcullen, ‘iJournal’ |
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Finance Category winner,Maynooth Maynooth Post Primary , | Highly Commended award, Finance Category,St. Mary’s College, Naas, ‘Hairtraction’ |
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Business Report category winners,St. Conleth’s Community College, Newbridge, ‘Magic Spray’ | Business Report—Highly Commended,Coláiste Loráin, Castledermot'Out Of The Woods' |