Export Development

Export development

Export Development Programme:

The Local Enterprise Office Longford has partnered with Full Circle Management Solutions to deliver a capability building programme to LEO client businesses, designed to challenge and support you in scaling your export potential.  This programme will provide you with access to experienced mentors and practical support for developing your export plan.

Throughout the programme, you will gain:

  • An understanding of how to explore new markets and the challenges involved in preparing your business for exporting
  • An objective assessment of your business' export readiness and a tailored development plan
  • Clearly defined growth and export objectives
  • Key export and marketing skills to build sustainable capacity to export
  • A fully developed and practical market entry action plan
  • Increased understanding of funding options for exporters
  • Engagement with two potential buyers by way of two arranged buyer meetings

What will the programme involve?

The provider will commence the programme by engaging with you to complete an individual export readiness assessment which will determine your business' current capabilities and what you need to improve and develop to successfully grow your business through exporting.

Following this, the programme will involve three distinct, but interlinked, strands as follows:

  1. Workshops 

4 half-day skills development workshops providing you with key sales and export skills, as well as management training on how to embed these skills within the wider business team.  Workshops will be as follows:

Workshop 1 - How ready are you to export into markets in mainland Europe?

Workshop 2 - Export market screening, selection and research

Workshop 3 - Preparing to meet with a potential export customer for the 1st time

Workshop 4 - Sustaining your export development efforts over time

Delivery:  It is proposed that Workshop 1 and 4 will be delivered in person (venue to be confirmed), with Workshop 3 and 4 to be delivered via Microsoft Teams.

  1. One-to-one mentoring 

Delivered over a period of 6 hours, split across 3 sessions, per participant. The purpose of these sessions is to help you develop your own bespoke export plan.

  1. Market Outreach and meetings with two potential buyers

Following completion of workshops and mentoring sessions, the ultimate output of the programme is for each participant to be set up with sales meeting with 2 potential customers/agents/distributors/wholesalers in their individual target export market.

Who the programme is suitable for:

This high value and high impact capability building programme is specifically designed for businesses with export growth ambitions - whether they are first time exporters, early-stage exporters or experienced exporters exploring new markets.

Eligible businesses based in Longford will be established and trading for more than 18 months, employing at least 3 full time, engaged in manufacturing or providing a tradeable service with potential to trade internationally.

How to Apply:

LEO Longford is now seeking Expressions of Interest from suitable businesses who are interested in completing this programme.  Numbers will be limited on the programme, so if you are interested, please email Rose Mc Kenna at Longford LEO at rmckenna@longfordcoco.ie