Longford has a vibrant business community with plenty of opportunities for business networking, where local entrepreneurs and business people can come together to share ideas, problem-solve, feel supported and collaborate for the betterment of business in the community. Learn more about these networking opportunities below:
Longford Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Longford Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the county’s business representative organisation, working towards creating a better environment for business by lobbying on key policy issues affecting businesses and the business community. The organisation aims to stimulate and facilitate the growth and development of its members and to enable the business network to effectively promote the long-term development of their locality on behalf of their members. It promotes enterprise by encouraging foreign trade and by fostering development at local level. They promote Longford as a location for trade, shopping and tourism. Learn more at: longfordchamber.ie
Longford Women in Business
Longford Women in Business Network, a progressive, dynamic organisation supporting the professional and personal development of women. The Network is made up of a very diverse group of women, from budding entrepreneurs, SME owners, professionals and leaders in indigenous and multinational organisations to non profits, charities, arts and the public sector. Longford Women in Business have a strong voice and are interested in promoting diversity and equality, entrepreneurship and leadership development, collaborating with like-minded people and organisations.
Women in Business hold events every quarter and to become a member of the network you must be the owner/manager of a business based in County Longford. To register your interest in joining the network or for details on the next meeting, please contact the Longford LEO at 043-3343321
The Small Firms Association (SFA)
The Small Firms Association (SFA) represent a diverse membership of businesses with less than 50 employees, homegrown and spanning every sector of the economy. Members are found in every town in Ireland, including in County Longford. SFA provide valuable information to assist you in managing your business, as well as allowing you to interact with fellow members through their members connect area online. SFA host events and management training and keep members updated on the most recent news for small firms. Learn more: sfa.ie
The Irish SME Association (ISME)
The Irish SME Association (ISME) an independent representative association for Small and Medium Enterprises and currently have over 10,500 members nationwide, with a vibrant network in County Longford. ISME support SME owner-managers by lobbying on their behalf, providing advice and information to owner-managers and providing a number of opportunities for business networking through events and training. ISME promote and give members opportunities to work together via the Members Area of their website also. Learn more: isme.ie