Enterprise Week - Protecting Your Brand

Longford Women's Link, Willow House, Ardnacassa Avenue, Longford.
Takes place prior to the Start Your Own Business Course also at Longford Women's Link.
4:30pm to 6:30pm
Enterprise Week

Need to protect your brand? Intellectual Property Awareness Briefing approximately 1.5 hours - Longford Women's Link, Longford. Attendees may also be interested in the Start Your Own Business course which starts directly after this session at the same venue. See the Start Your Own Business event on this Online Bookings page for further information .

This event is no longer available

Need to protect your brand?  Or have you just completed or are you about to take a Start Your Own Business Course?  Or maybe you're looking at expanding your business? Then this seminar will be of interest to you.

Representatives from the Patents Office will be presenting an introduction to Intellectual Property (IP), covering all aspects of IP, including patents (for inventions, function), trade marks (name, logo, slogans) , designs (appearance, shape & configuration) and Copyright (art, literature, software).  They will explain how to search free databases to avoid possibly infringing others IP, as well as ensuring you don’t miss opportunities for protection.  The different routes available nationally and abroad will be covered along with approximate costs involved.  There will also be a Q & A session.

The seminar is open to all and will take place before the six week Start Your Own Business which is due to start on the same evening at the same venue directly after this session. For information on the Start Your Own Business Course can be found at - https://www.localenterprise.ie/!5VG4V5 .