Marketing Workshop - One Day

Attic Room, Temperance Hall, Longford
9:30am to 5:00pm

This workshop is designed for owners of new or start-up enterprises and will give them practical advice on marketing a small business venture.

This event is no longer available

This workshop is designed for 12-15 owners of new or start-up enterprises who may or may not have previous knowledge, skills or qualifications in marketing. It will give them practical advice on marketing a small business venture on a modest budget which they can put into effect in framing marketing plans for their fledgling manufacturing, service or retail enterprises. 

Areas to be addressed in the workshop

  • Market Segmentation-what this means for someone with a new business
  • Targeting & Market Positioning for the business-how to get the new business into the right markets and what building a brand entails for a small new venture
  • How to compete successfully against established businesses- the concept of “A Value Proposition” and how a new small business can develop it
  • How to build up a realistic sales forecast by market targeted by product or service sold
  • Devising Marketing Strategy- Product & Customer Service, How to link the different strands of a marketing strategy together in an affordable plan.
  • Understanding the concept of “Customer Touch Points” and how to build this into a new business from the “get go!"
  • Pricing for profit and to get first-time customers
  • How to link Pricing strategy with your Product & Customer Service Strategy
  • What’s to be your Promotional Strategy for the first 2 years of the new venture
  • Devising promotional materials, writing a brand development brief for your graphic designer that you can use on all sales materials and online
  • Devising your Promotions Action Plan for 2019+
  • Learners presenting their draft marketing plans to the group for critical feedback and to help bed down their understanding of how to apply the workshop topics to their businesses