How they did it: Wyldsson

Like many others during the recession, Dave McGeady found it difficult to secure employment. But Dave had an idea. Knowing how difficult it was to find healthy snack foods and preferring his mum’s own snack mixes of nuts, seeds and fruits to anything that was available, he started his own company in 2012. He called it “Wyldsson” after his ‘wild-son’ days.

He started with his own natural version of a ‘trail mix’ snack. Dave experimented with different ingredients at his kitchen table and attended trade fairs across the world to source his ingredients. He expanded the range to 30 products, all of which are gluten and dairy free with no added sugars, and importantly, are produced in Tallaght.

Wyldsson’s customers include many professional athletes. Dave and company co-founder Daragh Whelan knew the basic webstore which opened in 2014 had to be updated. Dave recalls when golfer Paul Dunne was seen on television eating their products in front of an audience of 4 million people while he was leading the Open, the Wyldsson website crashed from the upsurge in visitors, eager to learn more about their products. Dave engaged with his Local Enterprise Office, applied for, and was successfully awarded, a Trading Online Voucher.

- Read the full article here