Business Support Funds
There are five funds specifically designed to address key issues for businesses in the County. Three of the funds support physical works and are aimed at encouraging occupiers to improve the investment potential of industrial estates or units in which they are resident, in particular those industrial estates experiencing high levels of obsolescence, dereliction, vacancy and abandonment. Two of the funds are specifically aimed at supporting existing small scale businesses and start-up businesses utilising previously vacant units.
Click on the links below to access online application form:
Business Support Grant
The Business Support Grant is available through the Local Enterprise Office South Dublin (LEO South Dublin) as an additional measure to sustain small businesses in the South Dublin County Council area. Commercial ratepayers in the area of South Dublin County Council with an annual rates liability of €10,000 or less are eligible to apply for the grant subject to terms and conditions.
To be eligible for the grant:
- You must occupy a rateable property in the jurisdiction of South Dublin County Council
- Your rate liability per rated property for the current year is €10,000 or less
- Your rates for 2016 (including arrears, if any) must be paid in full by 30th September 2016(December 2016 for customers paying by Direct Debit).
- You must complete and submit the Business Support Grant 2016 Application Form by 30th September 2016
Industrial Area Improvement Schemes
This fund applies to groups of businesses that are in a position through a management company or other mechanism to work together to upgrade a wider, larger part of their industrial area.
Individual Unit Supports
For 2016, South Dublin County Council will also support businesses that wish to upgrade their external, public facing property. The Council will support upgrade works such as boundary treatment, wall repair, painting, landscaping, and other works that contribute positively to the appearance of their premises. Applications can be made on an individual basis.
Microenterprise Development Fund
This fund will apply whereby an owner seeks support to upgrade an existing vacant premises for the purposes of enabling new employment, microenterprise or innovation use.
Microenterprise/Start-up Support (Rates)
In order to encourage new micro enterprise the following graduated “rates holiday” for up to two years is available. Where previously vacant enterprise space, is made available to, and occupied by, a new microenterprise, (less than 10 employees).
Download Booklet with full details of the Business Support Funds