Diversity in the Economy
Dublin City Council are a participant on the Diversity Connectors For Start Ups – Pilot Project. The project is being lead and organised by Intercultural Cities – a Council of Europe (EU) programme.
The project aims to engage and encourage relevant stakeholders (Local Gov / Incubators / Enterprise Centres / Networks / Corporate Organisations / Philanthropic Organisations etc.) to work together to better serve under-represented entrepreneur groups (Migrants / Youth at Risk / Refugees / Women etc.). This will be done through the development of Diversity Connectors. Existing or new business incubators and networks will become more accessible and supportive to underrepresented groups and therefore become ‘diversity connectors’.
The relevant stakeholders are invited to join a network to share ideas, examples and experiences. A good practice guide will be produced which will highlight examples from participating organisations and cities. This will also assist cities wishing to create / expand diverse start up incubators in the future.
Dublin City Council’s role in the project is to partner with relevant Dublin stakeholders to support and advance underrepresented entrepreneur groups in Dublin.