SCENE: South Dublin Creative Economy Network
South Dublin has a vibrant creative economy, from craft and design, artists of all disciplines, musicians, designers - to name just a few areas - and the Local Enterprise Office and its partners are creating this network to support people working in these sectors.
The network will pull support from each of its partners – LEO South Dublin, South Dublin County Council, The Design and Craft Council of Ireland, Creative Ireland, and Visual Artists Ireland – to provide a comprehensive catalogue of support and a broad calendar of events for the members.
Membership is free and you can register at the following link. **Membership is open to businesses trading and located within the South Dublin County Council Administrative area only.
If you work within a creative industry or plan to, please register to become a member so that we can keep in contact with you and let you know what is going on.
SCENE Partners
The Creative Ireland Programme

Connecting people, creativity and wellbeing. An all-of-government culture and wellbeing programme that inspires and transforms people, places and communities through creativity and are committed to the vision that every person in Ireland should have the opportunity to realise their full creative potential.
South Dublin County Council Arts Office

South Dublin County Council Arts Office provides a service that supports the development of creative people and communities through the Arts. Provision and support of high-quality arts experiences are central to the service. This is realised through research, programmes, events, grants and awards and the development of on-line and off-line resources
Design & Crafts Council Ireland

The national agency for the commercial development of Irish designers and makers, stimulating innovation, championing design thinking and informing Government policy.
Visual Artists Ireland

Visual Artists Ireland is the Representative body for professional visual artists in Ireland. Supporting Visual Artists at all stages of their professional careers.