The final Technology Brokerage Event, themed on Food Safety will take place in Ireland, October 1st - 3rd
This event will bring together food producers, food safety experts, technology providers and researchers from across Europe to discuss new technologies and exchange best practice. There will be a variety of opportunities for business and innovation partnership development with a range of networking and brokerage activities.
Day 1: Conference & Brokerage Event
Food producers, food safety experts and food safety technology providers can access talent, knowledge, collaboration and business development opportunities via talks, technology pitches and brokerage meetings. Full program available here
Day 2: Site visits to local food companies & networking.
Day 3: EuroFoodVision, Meet the Buyers Food Expo
A unique business development opportunity for food producers to showcase key products and meet buyers from Ireland and the UK. EuroFoodVision Marquee will be located at the heart of the Dingle Food festival. Participants will be provided with a stand to display produce and marketing materials. Buyer meetings and discussions will take place in the morning and the Marquee will open to the public in the afternoon. Twenty places available, based upon a selection process. registration essential, further info on EuroFoodVision
Who Will Benefit From Participating?
Traditional and Artisan Food Producers
Meet food producers and technology providers from across Europe to discuss common food safety challenges, exchange ideas on best practice and access new technologies suitable for small to medium enterprises.
Food Safety Technology and Service Companies
Promote products and services to European Food Producers, network with food safety companies, experts, organisations and potential collaborators.
Researchers and Technology Transfer Offices
Researchers involved in EU or nationally funded projects are invited to present food safety research findings or technologies.Technology Transfer Offices can promote relevant innovations, technology transfer offers and partnership opportunities.
Register via B2Match
This is a unique event and opportunity to share food safety experiences and technologies. If you are looking to give your business a competitive edge, network or find a partner this event is for you. There is no registration fee- however places are limited. For more information and to register go to TRADEIT Food Safety B2Match Site