Town and Village Renewal Scheme

Town and Village Renewal Scheme

Funding available for projects under Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2017

South Dublin County Council is now seeking Expressions of Interest from business, community & other interested groups in towns and villages in the South Dublin administrative area for proposals for support under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2017.

Funding is provided through the Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs to support the revitalisation of towns and villages to improve the living and working environment of their communities and increase their potential to support increased economic activity into the future.

The 2017 scheme is targeted at two categories of Towns/Villages (with 60% of funding being made available for category 1 towns):

•Category 1:  Towns and villages with a population of less than 5,000 people.

•Category 2:  Towns with a population of 5001 – 10,000 people.

Grant Amounts Available

Up to 80% of the total cost of a project under the Scheme will be provided for any individual project.  The minimum which is available is €20,000 and the maximum is €100,000.  (A higher amount of €200,000 will be considered for a limited number of projects where a robust case demonstrating exceptionally strong economic benefit to the town or village can be made.)

Please note that emphasis will be placed on projects that have clear positive economic impacts on the town or village.

Further details of Scheme and Expression of Interest Forms are available below for downloading.

Expressions of Interest

Expressions of Interest will proceed to application stage if all eligibility criteria, as set out in the Scheme Outline, are met.

Completed Expression of Interest forms must be submitted by email to no later than 4pm on Friday 2nd June, 2017.

Town and Village Renewal Scheme Outline
Expression of Interest Form
Frequently asked questions

Population and Percentage Change 2006 and 2011 by Sex, Towns by Electoral Division, CensusYear and Statistic
Population Density and Area Size by Towns by Size, CensusYear and Statistic
Population by Sex, Alphabetical List of Towns, CensusYear and Statistic