Sales and investors – chicken and egg?
at Synergy Centre, Institute of Technology Tallaght, Thursday, September 17th 2015, 08.30 – 10.30

So you have your business started and you are ambitious for significant growth.
You have many calls on your time, your product (service) is developed and early sales are encouraging. What is the best way to get from where you are now to where you would like to be?
Access and availability of finance appears to be the main barrier. What are the options?
Should you start chasing sources of finance, including third party investment, or should you try to build additional sales?
The speakers don’t promise to have the answers to all these questions but are very happy to share their experience, good and bad, with you. That should leave you in a better position to make up your own mind!
The keynote speaker is Susan Spence, founder and Chair of SoftCo. She will share her experiences gained over a 25 year period. The panel of entrepreneurs who are at an earlier stage in their development and growth will tell it like it is at the coalface. They include Elaine Ralph, Founder Superdisty,
The morning will be chaired by Paula Fitzsimons, Director, Going for Growth, who will encourage all attending to get involved in the discussion and share their views.
*This event is free of charge but places should be reserved in advance, click here.