Trading Online Voucher Scheme

Trading Online Voucher

Scheme Overview

The Trading Online Voucher (TOV) Scheme assists small businesses to trade online. Eligible businesses can apply for a voucher to invest in developing their eCommerce capability, of up to €2500. Businesses who have previously availed of the TOV Grant Scheme can reapply to further improve their online trading capability. The TOV grant is currently 50% funded (i.e. match funding is only 50%) up to a max. of €2500.


Please read our Trading Online Voucher FAQ's in advance of making an application.

The Trading Online Voucher scheme is an initiative of the National Digital Strategy, developed and funded by the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment on behalf of the Government of Ireland and is administered by the Local Enterprise Offices.

Eligibility Criteria 

    • Limited or no e-commerce presence
    • No more than 10 employees
    • Have a turnover less than €2m
    • Are registered and trading for at least 6 months
    • Are located in the Dublin City area i.e. Dublin 1 – 13, 17 & 20
    • Attendance at a Trading Online Voucher information session within the last 9 months

    Please note the following:

    • Voucher approval must be gained prior to incurring any expense
    • Third party costs only will be considered. Own labour is not an eligible expense
    • All third party/supplier invoices must contain proper business details (e.g. Tax and Business Registration details)

    What the vouchers can be used for

    • IT consultation
    • Development or upgrade of an e-commerce website
    • Implementing online payments or booking systems
    • Purchase of internet related software
    • Purchase of online advertising (this purchase cannot make up any more than 30% of approved Voucher costs and can only be drawn down in one payment phase)
    • Developing an app (or multiplatform webpages)
    • Implementing a digital marketing strategy i.e. Social media marketing
    • Consultation with ICT experts for early-stage adopters of online strategy
    • Training/skills development specifically to establish and manage an online trading activity

    What the vouchers cannot be used for

    • Development of brochure websites (i.e websites with no e-commerce facility) 
    • Purchase of non-internet related software
    • Anything other than online trading related activity

    Ineligible Projects

    • Companies with charitable status, commercial semi-state companies, trade associations and company representation bodies such as Chambers of Commerce are not eligible to participate in the scheme
    • "Not for profit" and social entrepreneurship applicants unless they operate in a commercial domain 
    • Professional services specialising in IT type services who are already capable of trading online using existing in-house systems
    • Conferences and Seminars
    • Projects which are contrary to public policy
    • Duplication of support for projects which would be eligible for assistance from other State Agencies of EU funded Operational Programmes
    • Businesses in receipt of more than €300,000 in de minimis aid in the past 3 years. De minimis aid is state aid businesses may have received in any of the EU member states.
    • Projects deemed to be capable of proceeding in any event without scheme assistance i.e. deadweight
    • Projects essentially comprising importation and distribution

    NACE Code Ineligibility List

    Ineligible categories of businesses. Please read and confirm if you are excluded from applying

    How to Apply

    1.  Attend a mandatory online information session. LEO Dublin City's next available information session is:

    Training DateBooking Link 
    31st July 2024Trading Online Voucher Information Session July 2024

    Check back for future training dates

    • You may attend the training in any LEO around country as their dates may be sooner
    • Please refer to our list of ineligible business categories to check if you are excluded from applying before making a training booking
    • Due to current demand LEO Dublin City does not operate a waiting list for places on any current or forthcoming sessions.
    • Please note that this training session is for owner managers only who are interested in applying for the voucher for their business. **SUPPLIERS/WEB DEVELOPERS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO ATTEND**

    On completion of a LEO Dublin City information session, Dublin City based clients will be emailed a link to our online application system within 5 working days. (please check your spam/junk folder)

    If you attend an information session with a different LEO and are based in the Dublin City area, email confirmation of your attendance from that LEO to and request a link to our online application form.

    **Please note applications can only be made via the online system. Hard and email copies of application forms and drawdown documentation are no longer accepted**

    2. Register your profile on our online grant application system. Once your profile has been created, go back to the email and click the relevant link to make a Trading Online Voucher application.

    3. Complete the online application form. To submit the application form correctly you must answer all the essential questions, provide 3 quotes and verify your signature electronically.

    When you have successfully completed your application, you will receive email confirmation your application has been accepted.

    Timeframe for application processing

    • Application Assessment: average timeframe of 1 – 2 weeks  

    • Receipt of your voucher payment: average timeframe 2 – 3 weeks post application being approved

    We endeavour to process your application and payment quickly. Current indicated timeframes are due to demand for this scheme. Thank-you for your patience.

    A useful guide to to briefing a web development agencies

    Follow on digital supports post receipt of the Trading Online Voucher - Digital For Business