Hacks To Make Videos That Look The Business - Talk by Niamh Guckian - 21st October 2020 11.00-12.00


LEO Dublin City Women in Business Network 'Wednesday Webinar' Series

Talk: Hacks To Make Videos That Look The Business

2606 - Niamh Guckian-3-min

Speaker: Niamh Guckian, Go Motion Academy

11.00-12.00       Wednesday 21st October 2020


Are you seeing lots of people doing video on LinkedIn or YouTube, and wondering how they have the confidence to do it?

To put themselves out there, to sound so interesting and to appear like they are actually enjoying themselves?

Do you wish you could do it too? 

My free webinar will help you to unlock the confidence to start using video well for your business or personal brand. 

Confidence on camera comes from confidence in other things - the goal, the technology, the platform - lots of things build confidence, and practice makes it so much easier.

Most of all though, confidence comes from knowing your content. It's the same as a speech or presentation you have to make for work. The better you know your material, the more seamless it all looks. But for some reason, a lot of us start to make videos without doing this crucial piece of preparation. I'll show you how easy it is to formulate your expertise into engaging video content. 

I'll be happy to see you there, and look forward to sharing my professional video secrets with you.

I want to help you to just get over it and get on with it. Stop waiting, start creating!

*This workshop is interactive and participative. In order to get the most from it, please have the following items at hand:

  • Your smartphone
  • Your hands-free smartphone accessory
  • Books, preferably coffee-table size, and about 5 of them.
  • A takeaway paper coffee cup, any size.
  • Felt tip pen.
  • A scissors.

Please also sign up for a FREE account at www.canva.com

Niamh's talk will be followed by Q&A.

Please book your place at this talk through this link:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfhX-lXpta6kLCC-un93ZXQsEf0RjKIs2z2nXQHy7Lz4ly-EA/viewform?usp=sf_link


Speaker Profile: Niamh Guckian, Go Motion Academy

Niamh Guckian has dedicated her career to visual media, with broad experience as a producer and director with the likes of RTÉ, The Irish Times, and the Deutsche Welle Akademie. Niamh is also a BBC-qualified trainer, and has been mentoring ambitious content creators for the best part of a decade. Niamh has a deep understanding of business needs in the digital age, training people to use video content to promote positive purchasing decisions. She is always exploring ways to generate formats, without compromising brand integrity. Niamh founded Go Motion Academy with the vision of building a “film school for business.” Three key principles are at the heart of everything the academy does: high broadcast standards, online platform expertise, and accessible training. Niamh’s huge experience in content creation and technology, combined with significant editorial responsibility, puts her in a prime position to help people master video creation. She thrives in helping others to achieve their goals. Niamh knows what it takes to create content audiences truly enjoy and want to engage with. That begins with the skills to film and edit, but requires the confidence to do so too. Those who work with Niamh develop that confidence, and learn lasting skills to create meaningful and sustainable video content.


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