Create Your Business Plan Tuesday 20th Feb 2024

Online through Zoom platform
18:30 - 21:30

Craft a winning business plan with our workshop! Learn to analyse competition, explore markets, and build realistic financial strategies.

This event is no longer available


This programme looks more deeply at the areas of competition, potential market and financials for business plans. The aim of the programme is to give the delegates a better perspective of what an audience may be looking for when assessing your business plan and the likely questions that the writer should be prepared for a presentation stage.

At the end of this session the delegates will have a greater understanding of creating a successful business plan, where to focus and how to prepare for presenting the business plan to an audience.


  • Key focus areas in creating a business plan
  • Understanding your competition
  • Scoping out the potential market
  • Creating a realistic financial plan
  • Presenting for your business plan for an audience
  • Predicting likely questions from your business plan document

Please Note: Zoom link will be emailed the day before the course is due to begin.

Please Note: €20 Administration Fee is Non Refundable

Booking terms & conditions.