Local Enterprise Week 24 - A Practical Approach to becoming a Green SME

Monday 4th March
09:30 - 12:30

This half-day “Practical Approach to a Green SME” workshop is ideal for SME’s seeking actionable and effective approaches to embed sustainability into their business practices and making a positive impact on the environment while enhancing overall competitiveness.

This event is no longer available

LEW 24 LogoOverview 

Join us and take the first steps towards a greener and positive hands-on approach to integrating environmentally friendly practices into your business operations and a more sustainable future for your SME.

Highlights include:

  • Learn to use the practical tools and resources provided by the Local Enterprise Office “Green for Micro” programme.
  • Involve the Team: Explore positive & effective ways to engage and inspire your team to embrace green initiatives, fostering a positive and enthusiastic workplace culture.
  • Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle: Discover “Quick Wins” simple and effective strategies for achieving quick wins in sustainability, focusing on the principles of refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose, and recycle.
  • Practices & Policies: Delve into the implementation of sustainable practices and policies within your organization, covering areas such as employee behaviour, dress code, water usage, cycling, and more.
  • Larger Projects: Windows, HRSs, Insulation, Solar, EV Vehicles: Explore larger-scale sustainability projects, including optimizing windows, adopting high-efficiency HVAC systems, insulation improvements, solar energy integration, and the incorporation of electric vehicles.
  • Tell the World and Creating Competitiveness Through Your Green Plan: Understand the importance of communicating your green initiatives to external stakeholders and discover how a well-crafted Green Plan can enhance your competitiveness in the market.
  • Your Action Plan: Develop a personalized action plan for your organization, outlining concrete steps to implement green practices and achieve sustainability goals. Benefit from practical


Please Note: Zoom link will be sent to participants the day before.

Please Note: €20 Administration Fee is Non Refundable

 Booking terms & conditions.