Local Enterprise Week 24 - Green & Sustainability Marketing

Online through Zoom platform
Tuesday 5th March
09:30 - 12:30

Join our three-hour interactive workshop empowering micro- and small business owners in green and sustainability marketing.

This event is no longer available

LEW 24 LogoOverview 

Aim of the workshop Join us for an interactive three-hour workshop designed to empower micro- and small business owners with the knowledge and skills to excel in green and sustainability marketing.

Our aim is to demystify the concept of sustainable marketing, helping participants to understand how to market their products or services with a sustainability focus.

This workshop encourages active participation and discussions to provide practical insights into sustainable marketing practices.

By the end of this workshop, participants will be well-equipped to create, promote, and sustain a brand that resonates with sustainability-conscious consumers.

This knowledge will empower them to enhance their business reputation, connect with target customers, and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Key outcomes/goals for participants

Within a highly interactive and collaborative workshop, you will be equipped to:

• Grasp the core principles of sustainable marketing and their importance.

• Recognise the value of aligning marketing efforts with environmental and social responsibility.

• Create and communicate a brand image that aligns with sustainability.

• Understand the importance of resonating with eco[1]conscious consumers.

• Develop sustainable marketing strategies for products or services.

• Promote features, benefits, and eco-friendly attributes effectively.

• Craft compelling sustainability narratives to engage and inspire customers.

• Understand the power of storytelling in sustainability marketing.

• Explore eco-friendly advertising methods and campaigns.

• Run sustainable marketing campaigns effectively.

• Understand the significance of sustainable packaging and presentation.

• Make eco-friendly choices in materials and design.

• Measure and assess the impact of sustainable marketing efforts.

• Understand the importance of key performance indicators (KPIs) in sustainability marketing.

• Access additional resources, templates, and support for ongoing sustainable marketing success

Please Note: Zoom link will be sent to participants the day before.

Please Note: €20 Administration Fee is Non Refundable

 Booking terms & conditions.