Management Skills Links

The Management Skills category contains a directory of links to relevant sites which provide information and support in a range of management matters such as communication skills, human resource management, industrial relations, planning, time and stress management. 

Irish Business and Employers Confederation  [ ] 

An introduction to the services offered by IBEC and their policy positions on a range of business related issues. The site also contains information on the range of sectoral representative organisations affiliated to IBEC.

Small Firms Association  [ ] 

An introduction to the services offered by the SFA and their policy positions on a range of business related issues. The site contains a schedule of upcoming SFA events. Members of SFA can also access a number of on-line services, including a large colle

Dublin Chamber of Commerce  [ ] 

Contains a diary of the Chamber's events and training courses as well as a searchable database of members

IMI ( Irish Management Institute)  [ ] 

This site will give you information on the IMI's Public Programmes, Courses in Management, and Executive Development, the benefits of membership of the IMI , the resources available from the library and information centre and more...

European Employer Body for SME's  [ ] 

UEAPME is the employers organisation for Europe wide SME's and their web site features policy, programmes, projects & publications of interest to the sector. Very good list of European links.

South Dublin Chamber of Commerce  [ ] 

Website of South Dublin Chamber oc Commerce with information on benefits, training, news and upcoming events.

ISME The Irish Small and Medium Enterprises Association  [ ] 

The ISME website features details of services, events, training, group schemes as well as members area.